Saturday, October 08, 2005


I walked into work on Tuesday to the news that I had to attend a seminar in Atlanta, and that my flight left in two hours. I was in a mood, and because I had to make this trip, I made sure I got something in return. I got an extra week of vacation. I kinda wondered if I should've steered my boss towards a raise instead.

I rushed home to pack, completely forgetting my laptop. Not that I'd have much time to get online.

The seminar schedule was long as hell, boring as hell, quite frankly it was hell. Here's the new software, here's how much it costs, here's how to use it once you got it. By the time I got out every night, all I wanted to do was eat dinner and go to sleep. Which is what I did. A shame, really. I hear Atlanta has a pretty cool night life.

I couldn't wait to get home. Even today as I was flying back, I did as much as possible to avoid human interaction. If they weren't remotely involved in the process of me getting back to my apartment, they were ignored completely.

I had a co-worker look after my cat for the time I was gone. That cat is becoming fat and very happy. It was so good to see him. The first familiar face I've seen in days, and he's now cleaning himself with his own tongue.

I lead a charmed life, don't I?


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