Not going home anytime soon
Saturday night, I made a promise to myself that I would go out, alone, and not come home until at least three in the morning. The catch was, I couldn't allow myself to go anywhere that I went with my ex. The time has come for me to find my own places in this town.
This little plan of mine was going great for a couple hours. I went out for a bite to eat, where Denny's seemed like the most logical place one can eat alone and not get a second glance. Then, a little bit of pinball at the arcade, where I had a group of teenagers kept watching me play...Since when is pinball a spectator sport?
It was when I went to the first bar, that it all went to shit, and I ran into my ex's best friend, and not one of the good ones. She's a bit of a social intelligence officer. Every word that she says is suspect, with the purpose of starting shit with or about someone else. I had just gotten my drink when she spotted me and came over to talk to me. I instantly regretted ordering a large Heineken, a beer that was specifically designed to gag and choke anyone who tries to chug it. Damn those Dutch bastards.
I tried my best to keep the conversation brief. I just nodded, and kept very quiet. Fortunately, A friend of hers came over and interrupted us, giving me a chance to leave. I left half of my beer behind.
I didn't go straight back ot my car. Instead, I went for a walk. I got asked for spare change about twelve times, but I didn't care. It was a nice night, and I stopped on this bridge as a a train went underneath. I had a smoke and imagined two guys having a fist fight on top of the train. Then a bum asked me for some change and I went back to my car.
I drove around for the rest of the night. I saw all the groups haning out. The preppies on the south side, the Goths downtown, the college kids of midtown, etc. I went home feeling kinda weird, like an outcast because I don't fit in with the groups I saw out and about tonight. Yet, I felt kinda good, unique, like I'll never be like them. Conflicted, oh, a tad.
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